Visionary Women’s Accelerator

November 7, 2024 - January 30th, 2025

Get ready to unleash your authentic power to break through inner barriers and create a clear, aligned path to greater impact, fulfillment, and joy in your life, career, and relationships.

Achieving the life you want doesn’t need to take years!

12-Week Accelerator for Visionary Women:

Unlock Your Power to Transform Your Career, Life, and Relationships

Our 12-week accelerator for ambitious visionary women eliminates the guesswork in creating the career/business, life, and relationships you truly want by unleashing your power, potentials, and possibilities in 8 key life areas, including life purpose, prosperity, career, spirituality, confidence, health, influence, and relationships.

This science-backed, heart-centered approach offers you the ability to quickly transform your business/career, life, and relationships, and create opportunities you don’t yet realize are within your reach.

Our proven frameworks are rooted in 25+ years of leadership, business, and coaching experience with extensive education in neuroscience, human behavior, wellness, and high performance, coupled with the insights of the Institute of Woman-Centered Coaching which has coached more than 70,000 women over the past 2 decades.

We believe the quickest way to change the world is to help more visionary women create the clarity, courage, and confidence to live, lead, and love fully with the freedom & fulfillment they deserve, and the influence & impact they desire!

Whether you are:

Transitioning into a different career or another chapter of your life

Ready to create or scale the business of your dreams

Dreaming of writing a book or becoming a speaker or coach

Desire to confidently step into an elevated role in your current career

Looking to strengthen your personal and professional relationships

…the Visionary Women’s Accelerator is for you!

It will show you how to trust your inner wisdom, access more energy and focus, unlock possibilities, and expand the vision for your future beyond what you can currently see, so you can confidently and intentionally create the meaningful contributions and relationships you desire.

In just 12-weeks you’ll develop the mindsets and skill sets to end imposter syndrome, self-doubt, resistance, over-committing, overwhelm, and hesitation.

Most importantly, you will gain the ability to create irreversible, rapid breakthroughs without the hustle-and-grind or adding more to your plate.

Whether you are:

Transitioning into a different career or another chapter of your life

Desire to confidently step into an elevated role in your current career

Dreaming of writing a book or becoming a speaker or coach

Ready to create or scale the business of your dreams

Looking to strengthen your personal and professional relationships

…the Visionary Women’s Accelerator will help you trust your inner wisdom, access more energy and focus, unlock possibilities, and expand the vision for your future beyond what you can currently see, so you can confidently and intentionally create the meaningful contributions and relationships you want.

In just 12-weeks you’ll develop the mindsets and skill sets to end imposter syndrome, resistance, backsliding, over-committing, overwhelm, and confusion. Most importantly, you will gain the ability to create irreversible, rapid breakthroughs without the hustle-and-grind or adding more to your plate.

The Visionary Women’s Accelerator is designed to help you:


Break Through Your Inner Glass Ceiling

Break free of fear, self-doubt, and imposter syndrome, to create the career, relationships, and impact you desire while remaining true to yourself.

Activate Your Authentic Power

Access more vitality, focus, and your own inner wisdom, while reducing stress, reactivity, and resistance, so you can be, do, and have all that you want.

Magnetize Greater Possibilities

Design your unique plan to lead your authentically aligned life, radiate your brilliance, & communicate your value with unshakeable confidence.

Who is the Visionary Women’s Accelerator for?

This program is designed for women who are ready to step into their truth and lead the larger life they feel called to. That doesn’t mean doing more. It means BEING more of who you truly are, expanding your resourcefulness, and designing your life in authentic alignment with the impact and influence that you feel called to create. 

If this resonates with you, my team and I are excited to support you inside this inspired-action focused immersion. 

Cohorts are limited to 10 participants to ensure everyone receives the personalized attention they deserve.

To apply, schedule your FREE Personalized Discovery Session with our team. Together, we'll get clear on where you want to be, what's getting in the way, and how we can help.

The truth is, women experience opportunities, personal capabilities, resources, and barriers differently than men. Most coaches aren’t equipped to understand the unique inner experiences that shape how women navigate:

Owning our gifts and talents, while leveraging the value we create

Taking smart risks to go after what we truly want

Envisioning larger possibilities for ourselves

Receiving the support we need to be successful AND fulfilled

These are just a few of the unique challenges and opportunities women can struggle with that we address head on in the Visionary Women’s Accelerator. 

The truth is, women experience opportunities, personal capabilities, resources, and barriers differently than men. Most coaches aren’t equipped to understand the unique inner experiences that shape how women navigate:

Owning our gifts and talents, while leveraging the value we create

Taking smart risks to go after what we truly want

Envisioning larger possibilities for ourselves

Receiving the support we need to be successful AND fulfilled

These are just a few of the unique challenges and opportunities women can struggle with that we address head on in the Visionary Women’s Accelerator. 

What Other Visionary Women Are Saying

“Working with Tina for a few months accomplished what years of therapy didn’t. It’s the best investment I‘ve made in myself. Tina’s coaching helped me gain clarity around what is possible in both my career and personal life. My confidence, ability to hold boundaries, and create more ease and joy in my relationships have never been stronger. Having a successful career and being present for my family are now both a reality. I'm also asking better questions and getting better outcomes for myself

and those I lead.”



Colonel, U.S. Air Force

"While working with Tina, I immediately started to overcome self-limiting beliefs about running a business and selling my services. A few days later, I landed a lucrative contract and my business is taking off! Plus, opportunities opened up for incredible relationships and travel I never thought possible. I'd say Tina is a miracle worker...but really, she helped me become my own miracle worker."



Creative Business Strategist

“I immediately knew Tina was the coach I needed to show up confidently to win conservatorship of my special-needs nephew. I no longer feel stuck, I have more clarity and focus, and I now recognize opportunities around me and how much more is possible. I also reached my highest business goals and am creating the ”healing community” that has been in my heart for years.”



Real Estate Agent & Historic Property Consultant

“Working with Tina for a few months accomplished what years of therapy didn’t. It’s the best investment I‘ve made in myself. Tina’s coaching helped me gain clarity around what is possible in both my career and personal life. My confidence, ability to hold boundaries, and create more ease and joy in my relationships have never been stronger. Having a successful career and being present for my family are now both a reality. I'm also asking better questions and getting better outcomes for myself

and those I lead.”



Colonel, U.S. Air Force

"While working with Tina, I immediately started to overcome self-limiting beliefs about running a business and selling my services. A few days later, I landed a lucrative contract and my business is taking off! Plus, opportunities opened up for incredible relationships and travel I never thought possible. I'd say Tina is a miracle worker...but really, she helped me become my own miracle worker."



Creative Business Strategist

“I immediately knew Tina was the coach I needed to show up confidently to win conservatorship of my special-needs nephew. I no longer feel stuck, I have more clarity and focus, and I now recognize opportunities around me and how much more is possible. I also reached my highest business goals and am creating the ”healing community” that has been in my heart for years.”



Real Estate Agent & Historic Property Consultant

The VWA is an exclusive, small group, hands-on 90-day immersion to break through patterns that keep you stuck and design and implement your inspired action plan with the support of our team and community. You will carry these foundational tenets with you for the rest of your life.

Others have said they are still reaping daily benefits years later that would never have been possible without this work (and weren’t even possible after years of therapy). 

You get a reliable action plan and proven frameworks that are aligned with your strengths, skills, and unique vision. You will have the core competencies at your fingertips to ground yourself in unsettling situations, tap into your unique potential, and activate your creative power to navigate any situation with grace, confidence, and ease, without compromising your integrity and self-worth. 

With these skills, you will always know how to make aligned decisions that serve you and say no to opportunities that don’t.

What happens inside the Visionary Women’s Accelerator?

What happens inside the Visionary Women’s Accelerator?

The VWA is an invite-only, small group, hands-on 90-day immersion to break through patterns that keep you stuck and design and implement your inspired action plan with the support of our team and community. You will carry these foundational tenets with you for the rest of your life. Previous attendees say that years later they are still reaping daily benefits in multiple areas that would never have been possible without this work (and weren’t even possible after years of therapy). 

You get a reliable action plan and proven frameworks that are aligned with your strengths, skills, and unique vision. You will have the core competencies at your fingertips to ground yourself in unsettling situations, tap into your unique potential, and activate your creative power to navigate any situation with grace, confidence, and ease, without compromising your integrity and self-worth. 

With these skills, you will always know how to make aligned decisions that serve you and say no to opportunities that don’t.

How it works:

In less than 6 hours per month, create concrete results quickly with the support you need to design and implement your Authentic Alignment & Action Plan (Only 1% of your “awake hours” each month)

Facilitation & Implementation:

Three 90-min group facilitation & implementation sessions per month

Private Coaching:

One 45-minute private coaching session per month


Personalized Accountability Tracker

Real Time Support:

Private Chat access to your coach


Community Chat access & Breakout Sessions


Tap into the Collective Wisdom of other smart, conscious, gifted Women

You will have the support you need to recognize what has been holding you back, make solid decisions to move forward, and quickly implement your inspired vision as you identify, create, and leverage aligned opportunities.

It's Time To:

Rewrite the story of what’s possible for you! 

Stop trying to do it all on your own!

Break through what has kept you from stepping into your authentic power!

Confidently lead yourself into possibilities beyond your current horizon!

Step into your brilliance and say YES to YOU!

“Working with Tina for a few months accomplished what years of therapy didn’t. It’s the best investment I‘ve made in myself. Tina’s coaching helped me gain clarity around what is possible in both my career and personal life. My confidence, ability to hold boundaries, and create more ease and joy in my relationships have never been stronger. Having a successful career and being present for my family are now both a reality. I'm also asking better questions and getting better outcomes for myself

and those I lead.”



Colonel, U.S. Air Force

"While working with Tina, I immediately started to overcome self-limiting beliefs about running a business and selling my services. A few days later, I landed a lucrative contract and my business is taking off! Plus, opportunities opened up for incredible relationships and travel I never thought possible. I'd say Tina is a miracle worker...but really, she helped me become my own miracle worker."



Creative Business Strategist

“I immediately knew Tina was the coach I needed to show up confidently to win conservatorship of my special-needs nephew. I no longer feel stuck, I have more clarity and focus, and I now recognize opportunities around me and how much more is possible. I also reached my highest business goals and am creating the ”healing community” that has been in my heart for years.”



Real Estate Agent & Historic Property Consultant

"Tina is fantastic! Thanks to her guidance, I was able to see the path ahead with greater clarity, allowing me to be confident and decisive in the midst of a very challenging situation!"



Strategic Advisor, Verus Advisory Group

"I was immediately comfortable with Tina's empowering way of coaching leaders. She helped me to understand and shift limiting beliefs that kept me from fully stepping into my vision. Because I now feel more grounded and comfortable in my authenticity, I landed a curated opportunity to amplify a cause that is aligned with my deepest sense of purpose."



Non-Profit Communications and Outreach Director

“Because of attending Tina’s programs, I am happy to say that I lost 30 pounds last year and also had one of my best work years ever! But most importantly, I was able to understand myself better and choose to put myself first. I have referred several people to take her programs and will continue to do so.”



Realtor & Real Estate Investor


What Other Visionary Women Are Saying

"Tina is fantastic! Thanks to her guidance, I was able to see the path ahead with greater clarity, allowing me to be confident and decisive in the midst of a very challenging situation!"



Strategic Advisor, Verus Advisory Group

"I was immediately comfortable with Tina's empowering way of coaching leaders. She helped me to understand and shift limiting beliefs that kept me from fully stepping into my vision. Because I now feel more grounded and comfortable in my authenticity, I landed a curated opportunity to amplify a cause that is aligned with my deepest sense of purpose."



Non-Profit Communications and Outreach Director

“Because of attending Tina’s programs, I am happy to say that I lost 30 pounds last year and also had one of my best work years ever! But most importantly, I was able to understand myself better and choose to put myself first. I have referred several people to take her programs and will continue to do so.”



Realtor & Real Estate Investor


Meet Tina Parker

As a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, former C-Level Executive, and co-founder of multiple businesses, I have been a trusted advisor for almost 25 years to hundreds of executives, government/military officials, and business owners to help them unlock possibilities, elevate their impact and influence, and design a clear path to bring their vision into reality.

As a collegiate national champion cheerleader, turned military officer, turned entrepreneur, I've come to understand that leveraging our authentic gifts is exactly what fuels innovation, magnetizes aligned opportunities, and creates exponential outcomes. As a co-creator and Chief Marketing Officer of AFWERX, the Air Force innovation catalyst, I experienced what becomes possible when courage, authenticity, and our unique strengths are unlocked. In less than three years, AFWERX surpassed Amazon and Intel to be ranked #16 on FastCompany's 2020 list of Best Workplaces for Innovators in the World.

After a lifetime of studying with world-renowned experts in neuroscience, leadership, coaching, and human transformation, I followed my life's calling to design a science-backed, heart-centered approach to guide purpose-driven leaders and entrepreneurs to bring their unique gifts to the world and execute their greatest vision with clarity, courage, and confidence.

Now, I am on a mission to unleash one million ambitious visionary women to trust themselves, speak their truth, break out of the "box" and...


Meet Tina Parker

As a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, former C-Level Executive, and co-founder of multiple businesses, I have been a trusted advisor for almost 25 years to hundreds of executives, government/military officials, and business owners to help them unlock possibilities, elevate their impact and influence, and design a clear path to bring their vision into reality.

As a collegiate national champion cheerleader, turned military officer, turned entrepreneur, I've come to understand that leveraging our authentic gifts is exactly what fuels innovation, magnetizes aligned opportunities, and creates exponential outcomes. As a co-creator and Chief Marketing Officer of AFWERX, the Air Force innovation catalyst, I experienced what becomes possible when courage, authenticity, and our unique strengths are unlocked. In less than three years, AFWERX surpassed Amazon and Intel to be ranked #16 on FastCompany's 2020 list of Best Workplaces for Innovators in the World.

After a lifetime of studying with world-renowned experts in neuroscience, leadership, coaching, and human transformation, I followed my life's calling to design a science-backed, heart-centered approach to guide purpose-driven leaders and entrepreneurs to bring their unique gifts to the world and execute their greatest vision with clarity, courage, and confidence.

Now, I am on a mission to unleash one million ambitious visionary women to trust themselves, speak their truth, break out of the "box" and...


The truth is, women experience opportunities, personal capabilities, resources, and barriers differently than men. Most personal and professional development practitioners aren’t equipped to understand the unique inner experiences that shape how women navigate:

Owning our gifts and talents, while leveraging the value we create

Taking smart risks to go after what we truly want

Envisioning larger possibilities for ourselves

Receiving the support we need to be successful AND fulfilled

These are just a few of the unique challenges and opportunities women can struggle with that we address head on in the Visionary Women’s Accelerator. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to schedule a Discovery Call to apply?

We are not in the business of taking your money and "hoping" you get what you need. We want to ensure that the Visionary Women's Accelerator is the right fit for you. If it's not, we can recommend other opportunities, either with us or with our trusted partners, that will be the right fit for where you are and what you need to succeed. On your Discovery Call, we'll get clear on what you want, what's getting in your way, and a few high-level steps you can take. Then you can decide if you want our support to move forward faster with greater clarity and ease.

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Why are the Visionary Women's Accelerator cohorts limited to 10 participants?

Each woman's pathway is unique and a cohort of no more than 10 members allows us to deliver a curated, high-touch experience. The collective wisdom, energy, and commitment of the group is extremely important to ensure the most beneficial outcome for all involved. The VWA is an exclusive, interactive, hands-on experience where ambitious visionary women come together to elevate what's possible for their lives, careers, and relationships. You deserve personalized support.

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How much time should I expect to spend on this program?

This accelerator has been designed to generate the greatest return on your time. Between the required group sessions, private 1:1 coaching and reflection exercises, you should expect to spend at least six (6) hours each month on your personal and professional development related to this program. That's about 1% of your total hours awake each month! There will be optional opportunities offered to further deepen your insights and growth in wellness, branding, and personal transformation that you may choose to take advantage of or not.

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©2024 Lead Outside the Lines. All Rights Reserved

1968 S. Coast Hwy #3423,

Laguna Beach, CA 92651

(951) 355-7772